Fourth Floor Distribution was built on one fundamental principle: bicycling makes people happy. With the wind in your hair, or better, the wind at your back, the child-like glee that comes from riding a bike returns every time you hop on the saddle. There is no reason this should be a ‘weekends only’ affair. The bicycle can be a simple and enjoyable link that connects the dots of daily life.
At Fourth Floor, we were the first to start importing European city bikes into North America. This began with Dutch bikes and evolved to cargo bikes. Today, our portfolio of brands reflects the leaders in bicycle transportation and micro-mobility; each brand a proven product from a mature bicycle nation and established industry.
We are proud to serve many fine retailers across Canada with the choicest wares from Pelago, Achielle, VSF FahrradManufaktur, Winther, Tubus, Racktime, Hebie, Supernova, Busch & Muller, Spanninga, Herrmans, Bike Parka, Bobike, SP Dynamo, and Widek/Bibia.